
💰~-Fair FEE- 💱🔏

I will always try to provide a fair fee compare to others validators

poursuing the goals of a Polkadot network

the most decentralized possible  

and  sustained by implied individuals, like me...

Choose my nodes as part of your validators list
for the best fair FEE... Click there !

Find my 2 first validator nodes here  (search for "Fair FEE")
...a third one to come

Contact me. Share. Polkadot public key.

How to nominate a validator

A tutorial in French: https://youtu.be/y_qg8Wb5gTY

A tutorial in English: https://vimeo.com/779687012

Have you done every things needed to optimize your staking :

Check the minimum DOT to bound

If you have less DOT than the minimum indicated in the page below : stake via a pool

Check your bags

If you are not assiocated with one of your active validators (status waiting) for more than 2 epochs...

Check HERE

Several validators

Until 16 could be indicated to stake, increasing your chance

Regular check

If your nominated validators are often active

Claim rewards if stuck more than 48h


Choose "Fair FEE"

Nouveau paragraphe


I have been working for more than twenty years in classic financial industry driving different kind of IT projects, for several big players of this sector, in France.

I am convinced now of the tremendous potential of the blockchain technology for individuals and finance erea.

So, I decided to actively be part of it and sustain the most relevant network I found available.  

Fair FEE - Polkadot Validator nodes
One of the best rate out there

Stay     tuned

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